

  1. Building a Full-Stack Nuxt Application on Twitch

    Since months I want to start streaming on Twitch for the pleasure of sharing things and live coding. I finally started my first stream on a Sunday afternoon by building a full-stack Nuxt application. Follow the journey through this article.

  2. Devoxx France 2024 as a Speaker

    Devoxx France is an event that I love to attend. Talks are diverse, and it's a unique opportunity to discover new things. This year has been marked by AI, LLM, and RAG, and I had the chance to talk about UnJS.

  3. My First Talk at a Meetup

    I give an interactive talk at StrasbourgJS about the UnJS ecosystem. It was my first time at a meetup, and it was a great experience! I also met Romain Lanz, a developer and streamer, I've been following for a long time.

  4. Real-time without WebSocket

    When we talk about real-time in web application, we instantly think about WebSocket. But what if there was another way to do it? Simpler and powerful?

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